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SID BUDGET 5/1/2023-4/30/2024


Assessment ($1525/Lot) - $48,800

Carryover from 2022-2023- 0

Total Balance (May 1, 2023) - $48,800


                       Planned Expenses

Delta Operations & Maintenance

Monthly Operations - $7,980

Telemetry Fees - $588

Meter Readings (4X) - $2,780

Hydrant Flushing - $1,160

PRV Inspections - $695

Water Sampling (Includes Lab) - $3,262

Trip Charges - $997

Reporting Fees - $750

OHA Fees - $210

OHA Survey - $600

Delta Contingency - $1,000

Total Delta - $20,022


Electricity (Pump Station) - $800

Electricity (Well House) - $1,200

Chlorine - $780

Colorimeter Reagent - $75

IRS/Tax Filing - $50

Bank Fees - $50

Insurance (Board Liability) - $1400

Insurance (Comprehensive) - $1500

Special Districts Association of Oregon (SDAO) Dues - $155 Oregon Association of Water Utilities (OAWU) Dues - $100

Legal Consultation - $1,000

Reservoir Engineering and Mechanical Consultants - $2,000 Accounting Fees - $600

Office Supplies - $300

Postage & Post Office Box - $300

Contingency - $2,400

Total Operating Expenses –$32,732



Contribution from 2023-2024 Assessments – $16,000 ($13,500 Regular + $2,500 Loan Payback)

Total Reserve Balance (After Contribution)- $97,229 (70% Funded)


Total Budgeted Expenses (Operating + Reserve) = $48,732

Total Assessment Per Lot - $1525

SVHOA BUDGET 5/1/2023-4/30/2024 


Assessment ($1500/Lot) - $48,000

Carryover from 2022-2023- $7000

Total Balance (May 1, 2023) - $ 55,000


                         Planned Expenses

Windy Ridge Landscaping - $16,800

Gorse Spraying - $2000

Tree Maintenance – $8,000

Brush Control – $1000

Sign Maintenance - $0

Street Lighting – $0

Gate Maintenance – $1500

Spectrum Contract (Gate Phone & Security) - $1440

IRS/Tax Filing - $50

Real Estate Taxes - $100

Bank Fees - $50

Insurance (Board Liability) - $1200

Insurance (Comprehensive) - $1000

Legal Consultation - $1,000

Accounting Fees - $600

Office Supplies - $300

Postage - $300

Post Office Box - $150

Electricity (Gate/Lights) - $600

Contingency - $2,400

Total Operating Expenses –$38,490



Contribution from 2023-2024 Assessments – $16,500

Total Reserve Balance 2023-24 (After Contribution) - $104,395 (83% Funded)


Total Budgeted Expenses (Operating + Reserve Contribution) = $54,990 Carry Over from 2022-2023 - $7,000

Total SVHOA Assessment Needs for 2023-2024 - $47,990

Total Per Lot - $1500

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